Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Why you should name a medical power of attorney for your minor child

As a parent, you want to ensure that your child is always safe and well taken care of, no matter what happens. But what if something unexpected happens and you're unable to make medical decisions for your child? That's where naming a medical power of attorney for your minor child becomes important.

A medical power of attorney is a legal document that designates a person to make medical decisions on your behalf if you're unable to do so. When it comes to your child, a medical power of attorney allows you to appoint someone to make medical decisions for your child if you're not available or capable of doing so.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Leaving Your Pet in Your Will Won’t Protect Them - Do This Instead

If you’re a pet owner, you know the special bond that exists between you and your pets, and to many pet owners, our furry friends aren’t just a pet - they’re a loved and important part of our families. So if you’re thinking about how best to provide for your family after you die or if you become incapacitated, it makes sense for your beloved pet to be a part of the plan.

You want your pet to continue to have the kind of love and care you provided during your life, but estate planning for furry friends requires a little more thought than you might expect.

To understand why, it’s important to know two things:

A pet is considered property under the law

When someone receives a gift of property through a Will, that person can do whatever they want with that property, including your pet.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Will Your Estate Plan Work When Your Family Needs It?

Like most people, you likely think estate planning is just one more task to check off your life’s endless “to-do” list.

You can shop around and find a lawyer to create planning documents for you or create your own DIY plan using online documents. Then, you’ll put those documents into a drawer, mentally check estate planning off your to-do list, and forget about them.

The problem is, estate planning is more than just a one-and-done type of deal.

It will be worthless if your plan is not regularly updated when your assets, family situation, and laws change. Failing to update your plan can create problems that can leave your family worse off than if you’ve never created a plan.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Estate Planning Before You Travel: Why It's Critically Important

Vacations can be the perfect opportunity to relax, disconnect from work and responsibilities, and enjoy your spouse, partner, kids’ or friend’s company. But before you head off on your next getaway, there’s something else you should consider doing that might not sound quite as fun—creating an estate plan. While it may not sound like the most thrilling way to spend a day, here are some reasons why you need to think about your estate plans before you travel.

An estate plan ensures any medical decisions needed while away from home will be handled according to your wishes, and with as much ease as possible, no matter what the rules are where something happens. If you fall ill or become injured and can’t make medical decisions for yourself, your estate plan will ensure that decisions will be made by the person you choose, and with your indicated desires for your care at the forefront.

Without an estate plan in place, your family or friends could have a heavy lift to get you back home, locate your assets, keep your bills paid, and even ensure your children get taken care of by the right people in the right way.

Lastly, an estate plan ensures that any debts or liabilities are taken care of properly in case something happens while on vacation. This can help prevent creditors from trying to collect from surviving family members after the fact — something no one wants to deal with during such a difficult time.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Obtaining A Power Of Attorney For Elderly Parents

Making important decisions for aging parents can be a challenging task, but power of attorney (POA) can provide peace of mind and clarity in times of need. POA enables individuals to make crucial decisions on behalf of their parents, such as managing their finances or making medical decisions, when they are unable to do so themselves due to age or illness.

While it may be difficult to approach this topic with your parents, having these discussions early on can help ensure that you follow their wishes if their health changes over time. Starting the conversation with empathy and understanding can make all the difference.

In this article, we'll explore how to obtain power of attorney for elderly parents and provide helpful tips on how to approach these discussions with warmth and care. After all, our ultimate goal is to ensure that your aging parents receive the best possible care and support.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Your Rights As The Parent Of A Young Adult — What You Need To Know When A Medical Crisis Hits

As a parent, you are quite accustomed to managing your children's legal and medical affairs, as circumstances require. If your child requires urgent medical attention while away from you, a simple phone call authorizing care can do the trick. But what happens when those “children” turn 18, now adults in the eyes of the law, and need urgent medical attention far from home?

The simple fact is that the day your child turns 18, he or she becomes an adult and has the legal rights of an adult. This means that you lose your prior held rights to make medical and financial decisions for your child unless your child executes legal documents giving you those rights back. Without the proper legal documents, accessing medical information and even being informed about your adult child’s medical condition can be difficult and in some cases, impossible.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Why Everyone Needs to Keep Their Estate Plan Updated

As the world and its laws continue to evolve, everyone needs to keep their estate plans up to date. An estate plan is a set of documents, such as a will or trust, that dictate how assets will be distributed upon death or incapacity. An individual's current legal and financial situation should be considered to create a comprehensive estate plan tailored specifically to their needs.

The primary reason to update an estate plan is to ensure that an individual's wishes are respected upon death. For example, suppose an individual has recently acquired valuable property or has had changes in family structure (such as marriage or children). In that case, updating the documents that outline how assets should be distributed is important. If the documents are not updated, this could lead to disputes between family members and legal complications when probate occurs. Additionally, if laws change at the state or federal level, those changes need to be incorporated into the existing estate plan to remain valid and effective.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

The Cost of Not Having Basic Estate Planning in Place: Why it Matters for Families

In most cases, from the most sophisticated business people with the highest net worth to those just starting in the workforce and on their path to adulthood, you very likely do not know how to evaluate estimates when shopping for an estate plan.

As a homeowner with children, it's natural to prioritize their safety and well-being. However, have you considered what would happen to them and your home if you were to pass away unexpectedly? If you don't have a basic estate plan in place, you're leaving your family vulnerable to potentially devastating consequences.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

The Fear Factor: Why People Don't Complete Their Estate Plan

Estate planning is a crucial task that everyone should undertake, yet surprisingly, a large number of people fail to complete their estate plan. In fact, studies show that more than half of American adults don't have a will or other estate planning documents in place. But what is the biggest reason why people don't complete their estate plan? Is it due to a lack of knowledge or procrastination?

While both factors may play a role, the biggest reason why people don't complete their estate plan is often fear. Fear of confronting their own mortality, fear of making mistakes, and fear of the complexity of the process are all common reasons why people avoid estate planning.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

What we shouldn’t learn from televisions: a will is all you need.

When it comes to estate planning, there are a lot of misconceptions out there. One of the biggest misunderstandings is the idea that having a will is all you need to ensure that your assets are distributed properly after you pass away. Unfortunately, this couldn't be further from the truth.

While having a will is certainly an important part of estate planning, it's just one piece of the puzzle. In fact, for many people, a trust is actually a more appropriate and effective tool for achieving their estate planning goals.

So, why the confusion? One major factor is the way estate planning is often portrayed on television shows and in movies. We've all seen scenes where a wealthy character passes away and their lawyer reads their will to a room full of eager heirs, each hoping for a big payday. While this may make for compelling drama, it's not an accurate representation of how estate planning actually works.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Keep the Government and Lawsuit Happy Opportunists Away From Your Children’s Inheritance

If you have a current estate plan, I'll bet you plan to leave your assets to your children outright and unprotected by age 35, or maybe a little later. Go take a look at your estate plan, and see what it does right now. And, if you don’t have an estate plan, and you have kids or other people you care about, contact us today and let’s get that handled for you.

If you do have a plan and it distributes your assets outright to your kids -- even in stages, over time, some at 25, then half of what’s left at 30, and balance at 35 (or something along those lines), you’ve overlooked an incredibly valuable gift you can give your children (and the rest of your descendants for generations); a gift that only you can give them. And a gift that, once you’ve died and left them their inheritance outright, is lost and cannot be reclaimed.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

5 Reasons Why Shopping For The Cheapest Estate Plan Could Leave Your Family With An Unintended Mess

In most cases, from the most sophisticated business people with the highest net worth to those just starting in the workforce and on their path to adulthood, you very likely do not know how to evaluate estimates when shopping for an estate plan.

Shopping for an estate plan based on getting the lowest cost plan possible is often the fastest path to leaving your family with an empty set of documents (maybe in a beautiful binder, but not worth the paper they are written on) that won’t work for your family when they need it.

Unfortunately, we see the negative effects of cheap estate planning when family members come to us during a time of grief with that fancy binder that sat on the shelf for years sending out signals of false security, full of out-of-date estate planning documents, and find themselves stuck in what could have been an avoidable court process, or even conflict when that’s exactly what their loved one thought they had paid someone to handle for them.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Why You Need A Trust - Even If You Aren’t Rich

When you hear the words, “trust fund,” do you conjure up images of stately mansions and party yachts? A trust fund — or trust — is actually a great estate planning tool for many people with a wide range of incomes who want to accomplish a specific purpose with their money.

Simply put, a trust is just a vehicle used to transfer assets, and trusts are especially useful for parents of minor children as well as those who wish to spare their beneficiaries the hassle of going to Court in the event of their incapacity or death.

And why would you want to keep your family out of court (known as avoiding probate)?

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

4 Reasons Why You Can’t Afford To Go Without An Estate Plan

When it comes to putting off or refusing to create an estate plan, your mind can concoct all sorts of rationalizations: “I won’t care because I’ll be dead,” “I’m too young,” “That won’t happen to me,” or “My family will know what to do.”

But these thoughts all come from a mix of pride, denial, and above all, a lack of real education about estate planning and the consequences to your family of not planning. Once you understand exactly how planning is designed to work and what it protects against, you’ll realize there is no acceptable excuse for not having a plan.

Indeed, the first step in creating a proper plan is to thoroughly understand the potential consequences of going without one. In the event of your death or incapacity, not having a plan could be incredibly traumatic and costly for both you and your family, who will be forced to deal with the mess you’ve left behind.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

4 Common Mistakes Made On Life Insurance Beneficiary Designations 

Investing in life insurance is a foundational part of estate planning, and when done right it’s a primary way to say “I love you” to your loved ones after you are gone. However, when naming your policy’s beneficiaries, several mistakes can lead to potentially dire consequences for the people you’re investing to protect and support.

The following four mistakes are among the most common we see clients make when selecting life insurance beneficiaries. If you’ve made any of these errors, contact us immediately, so we can support you to change your beneficiary designations on your policy and ensure the proceeds provide the maximum benefit for those you love most.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Revocable Living Trust Or Irrevocable Trust: Which One Is Right For You?

You’ve probably heard you need a trust to keep your family out of court and maybe out of conflict in the event of your death or incapacity. And, if you haven’t, you are hearing it now. If you own any “probatable” assets in your name at the time of your incapacity or death, your family must go to court to access them. If you aren’t sure if your assets are “probatable” contact us to discuss.

But you may need clarification about whether you need a revocable living or irrevocable trust. More and more, we are seeing people come our way asking for a irrevocable trust, and so this article is designed to help you learn the difference and then get into an “eyes wide open” conversation about the right kind of trust for you and your loved ones.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Why Every Adult Needs A Living Will

A living will, also called an advance healthcare directive, is a legal document that tells your loved ones and doctors how you would want your medical care handled if you become incapacitated and cannot make such decisions yourself, particularly at the end of life. Specifically, a living will outlines the procedures, medications, and treatments you would want and would not want to prolong your life if you cannot make such decisions yourself.

For example, within the terms of your living will, you can articulate certain decisions, such as if and when you would want life support removed should you ever require it and whether you would want hydration and nutrition supplied to prolong your life.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Creditors And Your Estate Plan

Maybe you’ve wondered about your own debt or perhaps your parent’s debt—what happens to that debt when you (or they) die? Well, it depends, and that’s part of the reason you want to ensure your estate plan is well prepared. How you handle your debt can greatly impact the people you love.

In some cases, you could inadvertently leave a reality in which your surviving heirs—your kids, parents, or others—are responsible for your debt. Alternatively, if you structure your affairs properly, your debt could die right along with you.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, an individual’s debt does not disappear once that person dies. Rather, the debt must either be paid out of the deceased’s estate or by a co-creditor. And that could be bad news for you or the people you love.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

Green Funerals: 6 Eco-Friendly Options For Your Remains

The environmental costs of death are significant and constantly rising. With 8 billion people on the planet right now—all of whom have bodies that die and must be disposed of—we need to start seriously considering alternatives to traditional options for burial and cremation. Fortunately, more and more “green” options are being developed to reduce these costs, and this article looks at some of the latest innovations.

In most conventional burials, the body is pumped with toxic embalming fluid, placed in a steel casket, and buried within a cement-lined vault six-feet underground. According to the Green Burial Council, burials in the U.S. go through roughly 77,000 trees, 100,000 tons of steel, 1.5 million tons of concrete, and 4.3 million gallons of embalming fluid each year.

Although cremation is touted as more eco-friendly than burial, it still comes with serious environmental risks. In fact, cremating a single body uses about the same amount of gas as a 500-mile road trip, according to the Natural Death Center. Cremation also releases some 250 lbs. of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, roughly the same amount an average American home produces in a week.

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Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq. Must Read Lisa McGraw, Esq.

4 Tips For Talking About Estate Planning With Your Family Over The Holidays

The holidays are always a good time to bring up estate planning, everyone has already cleared their calendars to get together at the same place at the same time. That said, asking your dad about his end-of-life wishes while he’s watching football isn’t the best way to broach the subject.

In order to make the talk as productive as possible, consider the following four tips.

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